Being a Governor at The Grange
What is it like to be a governor at The Grange?
As the Chair of Governors at The Grange, the thing that springs immediately to mind is that I feel I am part of a committed and inspiring team of staff and governors, all working to ensure that the children of our community have the best possible start in their lives; one that they will treasure and take with them to secondary school and into their adult lives.
The definition of our role is:
Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
Hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff;
Oversee the financial performance of the organisation and make sure its money is well spent.
All of which are vitally important and intrinsic to the role.
However, that may sound a little dry, and being a Grange governor brings so much more than those three directives could ever cover.
Personally, my favourite role is having the opportunity to work closely with not only Ms Boswell but also with all staff members who make up the Grange Community. We are always well briefed on school life and have a real insight into what happens in The Grange's life.
There is a culture of transparency between staff and governors which is so important when working towards to same goal – ensuring the best opportunities and outcomes for our pupils.
Our governors bring a wide range of experience and knowledge from their professional and personal backgrounds. We are able to draw on each other’s skills and knowledge, and I think it is fair to say that all of us have learnt and developed ourselves as individuals. We have a mixture of parents, past and present, and some of us are people who want to make a difference and give something back to the local community.
One of the most enjoyable parts of my role as a governor is visiting the school on a regular basis, meeting with link members of staff, and offering advice, support, and guidance.
The Grange really has a special feel to it and reminds governors of what we are part of – a special community. We are always made to feel so welcome by both staff and children; not always the case I hear from governor colleagues in other schools!
I have been a governor of The Grange for over ten years now.
Yes, we do have to read a lot of documents, keep ourselves up to date with educational matters and fulfil our statutory obligations, but I honestly believe that being a governor at The Grange is an enriching and fulfilling role – seeing the school full of happy, settled children and knowing that I have played a part of ensuring the best outcomes for them is one of the biggest rewards I could ask for.
Angela Badger, Chair of Governors