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Clubs at The Grange



The high level of engagement our children show in extra-curricular activities is reflective of the diversity in the school.


The Grange Primary School offers a variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities which run throughout the year. The subject of our clubs is decided through discussions with the children and staff and offer a breadth of opportunity throughout the term / year. Please see this terms club in the link at the top of the page.


Clubs take place at different times throughout the day to ensure all children have the opportunity to take part regardless of out of school commitments. Children can attend clubs before school, at lunch times and after school. We do not charge for our clubs.


The Grange Clubs are run by pupils, School Council, Grange staff, specialist teachers and external agencies, opening to a range of ages throughout the term.


Places are offered on a termly basis and when clubs are oversubscribed a waiting list is maintained.


Sports clubs are always popular at The Grange and we love to enter local sporting competitions with the Banbury Partnership of schools. The Grange is successful in local sporting competitions, with a strong reputation for sport.


‘Come on The Grange!’


Headteacher Ms Beverley Boswell B.Ed (Hons) NPQH

The Grange Community Primary School

Avocet Way, Banbury, OX16 9YA

Tel: 01295 257861  

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